Special Note: Seasons Greetings Everyone… We wish you all a happy and safe holiday season…
From now until the end of 2009, we would like to offer you The Expat Cookbook with a 50% price reduction.
This week's recipe for Peanut Butter and Honey Granola Bars is for one of our readers. Thanks for the suggestion Inga!
- 2 cups oats
- 3 tablespoons flax seed
- ½ cup smooth peanut butter
- ½ cup honey
- ½ cup nuts or dried fruit
- ¼ cup of protein powder (optional)
- 1 teaspoon salt (optional)
- Preheat oven to 200° C (400° F)
- Line a 9×9 square baking dish with parchment paper and set out a cooling rack
- Place the oats and flax seed in a baking pan and place in oven
- Watch the oats carefully; if they burn you’ll have to start over
- Take oats out of oven when they are a golden brown (5-10 minutes)
- While the oats and flax seed are toasting, add honey and peanut butter to a small saucepan
- Turn the saucepan on low to med-low heat until the mixture is warm and smooth (be careful not to burn or simmer)
- Place the nuts or dried fruits in a medium sized mixing bowl
- Coat the nuts or dried fruit with protein powder if using
- Carefully add oats to the bowl of nuts or dried fruit
- Add the peanut honey mixture to the blow
- Mix well with a wooden spoon
- Place the mixture into the baking dish and spread evenly
- The bars will be about ¼” in depth when spread correctly
- Carefully lift out parchment paper from baking dish and let cool on rack
- After about 30 minutes flip the block over to cool more evenly
- After they are cool down, place the bar on a hard surface and cut
Tips and Modifications:
- Do not use salt if you are using salted peanut butter or salted nuts
- Should take about 20 minutes to prepare
- Makes about 10 granola bars
- If you don’t have parchment paper, you can oil the baking dish with grapeseed oil, but you’ll need to be careful when removing the block from the dish to cool
- Can substitute millet, flax seed meal, wheat germ, etc. for flax seed
- Ideas for nuts or dried fruit: peanuts, almonds, pecans, sunflower seeds, raisins, cranberries, dried blueberries, etc.
Notes: You can find a recipe for Peanut Butter in The Expat Cookbook, on sale now for 50% off.
I was able to find flax seeds at the Disco at Punta Carretas Shopping in Montevideo. They are in the section with the dried beans.