Another Uruguay blog we follow is, “Wally in Uruguay.”
This Uruguay blog follows Wally and Denise, who are retiring to Uruguay from the States.
We’ve never met Wally or Denise, but through Wally’s Uruguay blog we feel like we know them.
When you visit his Uruguay blog, start from his first post and read through to the present. It follows them purchasing a home (a fixer)… and going through all of the trials and tribulations of renovating a house here in Uruguay.
In a post from a little over a year ago on his Uruguay blog, Wally touched on a topic that I never thought I’d want to write about until now. But he did such a great job on the topic that I’m going to recommend you read it instead of me writing another blog on the topic, Ode to Bidet.
Wally kind of reminds me of my Uncle Dave… He’s full of energy, ready to take on anything head on, quite funny… and sometimes a little clueless (as you can read on his latest post, Denise’s Special Day).
If you are considering retiring to Uruguay, Wally’s Uruguay blog is full of invaluable information… from hiring contractors and dealing with them, to a lot of “do it yourself” work around the house.
If we buy property in Uruguay after the new baby is here, we’ll be referencing Wally’s Uruguay blog on a regular basis. Or, if you just want a neat story to follow, his Uruguay blog provides that as well.