On May 1st Uruguay celebrates Dia De Los Trabajadores along with most other countries in world; otherwise known as Dia Del Trabajo, International Workers Day, May Day or Labor Day.
Every May 1st a lot of countries around the world come to a standstill to celebrate the fight for the 8 hour work day. There’s a lot of history behind Labor Day, if you’re interested in learning more Click Here
This year Dia De Los Trabajadores falls on a Saturday.
Starting tomorrow evening (Friday April 30th) most services around the country will close early and stay closed until Sunday. To our understanding this includes taxi companies, bus lines, ferias, grocery stores, shops, restaurants and pretty much everything else.
We heard there will be some clubs open on Saturday night in Ciudad Vieja and there will be parties around the country… We’re looking forward to see.
It sounds like it will be pretty cool…
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Brian. Brian said: Dia De Los Trabajadores En Uruguay http://bit.ly/aC6F9P […]