There have been several people that have contacted us or posted questions on our Forum about the school system in Uruguay.
Since our girls are still too young for school, we’re definitely not experts on the school system in Uruguay.
However, we came across this article in Ola Uruguay titled, “Public Schools in Uruguay—A Quick Guide,” that you may be interested in if you’re considering a move to Uruguay with school aged children.
The article gives a good, high-level overview of the public school system in Uruguay.
You may also want to check out this thread on our forum for some other good information about Uruguay’s school system.
Do you have school age children in Uruguay? What has your experience with the school system been?
P Riehl says
Despite the “2” instead of a “z” in the alphabet above, that writing is 100% more legible than 95% of Uruguayan handwriting. Ps instead of 9s, 9s instead of Ps, florid yet completely unintelligible scribbles. I’m always amazed if I can make sense of a hand-written ‘presupuesto’ 24 hours later.
Franco says
If you can pay it, don’t you dare to send your children to a public school.
Just don’t.
There’s where your presupuesto’s handwriting come from.
And that is just one of the lack of habilities they’ll have. Public education isn’t like 30 years ago.
The fail in PISA tests.
They fail in mathematics.
They fail in almost every subject.